* Updating... note that more
articles will appear as our database downloads them to this webpage.
* JUNE 30, 2006: Kim Jong Il,
Parvez Musharraf: Nuclear Tyrants and who's behind them ** SPECIAL **
ACSA holds an impromptu Press Briefing on Pyong Yang's
intent to build "miniature nuclear weapons" by
improving designs supplied them by Pakistan, with a yield of 500
Tons to 1 Kiloton of explosive power,
about the size of a small piece of luggage. "The Terrorist Weapon
of the Future", states consulting editor
Dr. Jack A. Shulman, who during his younger days in the physics
community, developed ways and means
to monitor nuclear weapons development in foreign lands for the US
Government, decades ago. "These
weapons being sold to the likes of Saddam Hussein, Machmed
Ahmadinejad (of Iran), and Kim Jong Il (of
North Korea) by General Parvez Musharraf (head of Pakistan) and his
AQ Khan network, require the various
buying countries to meet certain requirements for Pakistan.
For one, they must support Pakistan's
covert use of Terrorism against the West. For another, they
must be allied with the People's Republic of
China. For a third, they must have what appears to be, but
does not necessarily have to be, a fully
functioning nuclear weapons development program. The key is
appearances, so as to relieve the blame
from Pakistan for the sale of nuclear weapons to them. The
Pakistanis built large, low yield, Chinese designs
with an approximately yield of from 15-40 Kilotons, depending upon
the load of weapons grade material.
However, Kim Jong Il has agreed to perform a very dangerous and
crucial task, with Saddam Hussein and
Iraq completely out of the picture: he has agreed to import
engineering from South Korea, Japan and
Russia, and make low yield, miniature version out of these weapons,
using their fuel and basic design.
The purpose: to provide back to Pakistan a new weapon that is even
more dangerous than the Chinese
design bombs being exported by them to Terrorist sanctioning
nations. The purpose is to equip Terrorists
with small portable devices capable of destroying a 1/3 of a square
mile in a major metropolitan area.
This, to create the threat of an "embeddable device" which would be
used as Nuclear Blackmail to allow
these nations to conquest their neighbors, while keeping the US, UK
and Canada at bay. Of course, there
is the very slight possibility they want to build an H Bomb, which
in some designs requires a smaller A Bomb
as a Trigger. However, it is very unlikely they could easily
militarize sufficient fuel to make enough Hydrogen
Bomb grade material."
Dr. Shulman continued with a lecture on the many ways Pakistan has to
hide its central role in terrorism,
and nuclear weapons proliferation, and an analysis of Parvez
Musharraf's "bifacial character", putting on
a placid face while engaging in extraordinary aggression against
the West and his neighbors. He also
commented on China's 'ambivalence towards the safety of the
planet', stating: "I spent years perfecting the
technological and social relationships we presently have with
China, I and many others did so of hopes
that we could put behind us, the errors made during Harry Truman's
Presidency, with China's invasion.
However, post WWII China has become exceptionally paranoid, and
internally malicious towards the rest
of the world, even those of us who liberated her from the Japanese
invasion and prevented Russia from
doing likewise. As a result, China has presented one face to
us as an ally, and another in this instigation
of nuclear proliferation among its neighboring allies such as
Pakistan, Iran and North Korea. The sooner
China realizes we are not her enemy, the better, for China's own
good and that of the rest of the world,
whether it be now that China has come out of her closet to
participate in the world's economic
development, or even for those dating back to the nuclear seedlings
planted with Pakistan and North
Korea. This ambivalence needs to end and China given a chance
to insure its domestic tranquility WITH
the rest of the world, not AGAINST it. It's one thing to
participate in the global economic competition, its
another to do so with a Nuclear weapon held covertly in each
outstretched hand. Of course, were it not for
the constant support of the offshore business interests of the
three principal Rockefellers, David Rockefeller,
Sharon Rockefeller and Jay Rockefeller, and their enormous business
network and vast wealth, none of these
Nuclear Tyrants would have the confidence to be pursuing the
Nuclear Terror Course. This, because these
three and their family trusts, want the revenue from the pursuit of
conflicts on a worldwide basis. Frankly, I have
for several decades been convinced that these Rockefeller
leadership should be prosecuted for high treason, if not
for the present anti-American activities they've fostered outside
this country, for violations of American National
Security during four consecutive wars, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the
Gulf Conflicts and Terrorism. They've been
illegally playing both sides of the fence against the middle for
years, buying up everything laid waste to in sight for
$.10 on the dollar, and profiteering on each side's need for oil,
munitions, technology and money. They did exactly
the same thing during the Cold War, fostering hate between
Democracy and Communism, and always to their sole
economic advantage. It's time we in America grew up and
dismantles their hate mongering, war instigating
apparatus and sent them packing off to a penitentiary somewhere.
They've caused the deaths of tens of millions of
their fellow humanity, all without being held accountable, since
not very long after the American Civil War."
* MAY 1, 2006: Announcing "BumsOut.org".
ACSA calls for a halt in the practice of Government
"Benign Bid Wiring" in the computer industry and other
fields. "A Return to the Three Independent Bid" system which
unless no other company offers a product reasonably similar.
MORE > Cites recent rise in
bids for "HP Printer", "Xerox Copier" and "Dell Optiplex", demands
a recession of the procedures that sole
source individual brand names, as it is "oppressive of competition"
and "repressing innovation". Ed
Englebart commented: "As a result, the market become more focused
on brands largely owned by the Oil
and Banking Industry, such as IBM, Dell, HP-Compaq, Xerox, Sony and
Apple, and younger companies do
not have an opportunity to produce a better, less expensive, more
reliable product. Recent indicators of
product safety shortcuts among the Major Brands, and unreliable
'planned obsolescent' designs, leads us
at ACSA to believe that the Wolf is in the Chicken Coop, that the
buyers and planners in Government
America have been corrupted into buying from a 'Name Brand Only'
tray, ignoring smaller businesses, and
thereby contributing to the vicious cycle. Judge only by the
number of large 5 Billion to 50 billion dollar
financial charitable trusts owned by the founders of these Major
Brands, and you'll see where your Tax
Dollars are really going: not into quality products or customer
care, but into the pockets of these businesses
who are deceiving the public. It applies as much to GM with
its highly vulnerable, unsafe in the presence
of an IED or RPG Humvee, as it does to Dell with its PCs, or HP
with its printers: there will be no progress
in American industrial technology without rampant competition, and
today, the competition is so
controlled, that before long AT&T/SBC and Verizon will merge, and
come up with a new name for their
enterprise: 'The NEW Bell System'. This is what we pay Ted
Kennedy and Hillary Clinton a salary for?
Heck, all they do is point a finger at President Bush, anytime
anyone notices anything out of place. But
it's their doing! They simply ally with a Woodward, or
a Bill Maher, who jaw lies through the press, in
books and on Sumner Redstone's very strange TV network, to
undermine detection of the real culprit: our
Senators and Representatives in Washington. They simply take a
million if we give them an inch. Check
out ACSA's next effort to prevent these Bums in Congress from
continuing this rape of the American
pocketbook, our newest sanction: BumsOut.org. We're going to
hit them were it hurts, by letting the
voters know what's really going on with their political
representatives. What good is Representation,
when we have no say over where the Taxation goes? But then again,
the vast majority of them have been
bought and paid for by Rockefeller / Citibank / Chase / GE /
Standard Oil business interests, that you can't
tell who's on who's side anymore. You have the Democrats
screaming for more equality for Gay and Lesbian
interests and equal rights, then turning right around on their
heals and capitalizing on Gay Phobias by parodying
Mark Foley and then mischaracterizing the Republicans in a Gay
Bashing manner. It's disgusting the depths these
Bums will sink to... So it's time to throw the Bums Out of Congress
so we don't keep getting this perpetural Bum's
Rush from these jerks!"
* FEBRUARY 15, 2006: Be wary of your Laptop, for it can get
very hot!
ACSA renews its warning about "overheating Laptops from Sony,
Apple, Dell and IBM", cites a prior article
by Dr. Shulman regarding "Fire Prevention Systems a mandate in
mobil computing design." PRESS
Englebart indicates that system fires could endanger consumers if proper
steps are not instituted. Cites Dell's 2006 litigation
against CompAmerica and Dr. Shulman for public
allegations he made of fire safety hazard, suggests Dell intended
to shut Shulman up but failed. Shulman
commented when asked: "This was a persecution lawsuit spearheaded
by two attorneys for Loeb and
Loeb, representing Dell. I can't comment about its details.
It followed multiple repression efforts by certain
powerful figures in our industry, those who own Apple, Dell, Sony
and IBM, who know the central role I
played in the modern PC Industry, and never halt the effort to
libel or harass me."
"These actors represent certain members of a very wealthy Citibank
affiliated family, the principal member of
who died about a year ago. They've plagued my career over and
over again, interfering with its progress,
as since I first went to work for them, decided I was their
personal property. They've interfered with my
livelihood, with my family, they've even sik'd racist/supremacists
from Oklahoma on me. They were
directly responsible for stealing a very valuable set of
intellectual property from me which has influenced
just about every part of the modern computer industry, they owe the
$35 million from the theft, plus
interest, dating back to almost 1985, and they have reneged on
every single agreement made, every
single promise offered, it's not just a Dell thing, Dell is just a
symptom of a greater problem. So my
pointing out certain companies' lack of Fire Safety / Prevention in their
laptops, the lack of care in customer care,
the lack of quality engineering in products, and the lack of
humanity in business methods just
put salt in the wound caused by my polite yet utter refusal to work
for them. Would you work for the family
or company which fostered Adolph Hitler and the rise of Nazi-ism,
or the rise of modern Terrorism, were
you me? I'm American and I'm Jewish, for gosh sakes, I won't
work for Nazis! I treat all people equally,
have the utmost respect for my Arabic Muslim 'cousins' throughout
the world, think very, very highly of
Christians, their religion, and their commitment to Love, Charity
and Compassion, and in fact all peoples,
all religions. However: Nazi-ism, Facism, Terrorism, Hate, Racism,
Supremacism -- are not about
commitment to God, to one's fellow man, they are fostered
divisionism that leads to only one thing: global
conflict. And to me, the reason my former 'employers' foster
it all, is because that is how they sell their oil,
their munitions, their drugs, their money, their newspapers,
magazines, computers, technology, all at a
highly accelerated rate, greed fueled by avarice.
How could I ever allow myself to be thought of as
property of such hate mongers? When I woke up to what kind of
people these were, I simply had to
leave. So I left. Which hasn't stopped them from following me
at every step, engaging me every time I
make a public statement, harassing me at every turn. Yet at
least I no longer have to work for them, for
they are commensurately evil. There is not
enough money in the world."
* JANUARY 22, 2005:
relinquish full time Chair to Dr. Edward J.
Englebart to take leave, as "co-chair". Dr. Shulman
advised the Board that his father's ongoing illness
required greater support for his family during this critical
period of care giving. Dr. Shulman will
continue on voluntary leave as ACSA co-chair for the
foresee-able future.
* DECEMBER 22, 2005:
* DECEMBER 9 2005:
It looks like Bill Gates' actions have created
yet another opponent in Dr. Jack A. Shulman, who is
the first programmer who ever created a Windowed User
Interface, and who had significant
influence in the 70's over the design of Desktop PCs that
played out in the IBM PC, Apple MAC,
and Apollo and Sun Workstations. Until now, Dr. Shulman had
been an ardent supporter of
Microsoft and Bill Gates. This series of public
statements today decry Gates for investing $1.7
Billion in the Nation of India's programming industry and
education, while alleging neglect of the US
Software Industry. This represent a very significant
departure from Shulman's past compliments of Microsoft
and its Chairman, Bill Gates.
* DECEMBER 7 2005:
The controversy about how far an ecommerce
company can go, before facing anti-trust or fraud + bait
and switch class actions, is epitomized in the current
situation facing industry leader Krell. Is it an
intentional tort when the there is controversial
discontinuity between TV Ads, Web Ads and Phone
Orders? Or is it simply the byproduct of multi-lateral
advertising? Krell: Crooks... or Victims of pall
mall web promotion? PRESS RELEASE HERE >>
* NOVEMBER 2005:
Read the inside story of conflict that brought about the Iraqi
Conflict, Democratization, and similar
tragic consequences in Edward Englebart's startling new book...
Note the variations
of news releases we've been tracking as part of our study of
"integrity in news reporting" following Yahoo, Google, Lycos, and other
organizations. We've noticed certain stories are being undermined or
deleted by some of these carriers.
Public Integrity in Campaign 2004 study workgroup engaged in a study of
the Bush and Kerry Campaign's respective assignment of facts and claims
to the actual circumstances found in the world political sector.
The findings were startling. Bush, when confronted on any issue by
Kerry, found issues his administration was faced with and either
successfully dealt with or was still in progress with. Kerry, on
the other hand, found every issue Bush had faced and dealt with as
"inadequate", and took issue with any which were incomplete.
Furthermore, Bush then usually responded with a reference to prior
administration's work (Clinton) which demonstrated the ineffectuality of
the effort, while pointing out that Kerry's approach would be even more
ineffectual than Clinton. In EACH CASE, the American-French Press
or Associated Press then added a misstatement of facts, such as "Bush
did not dispute the apparent lack of progress to dismantle North Korea's
nuclear program", or "Kerry is thought of as being more responsive to
Environmental Issues". These "entendres" by the Press reflect the
Press Bias of their Editors and Writers. In the case of the French
Press, the French have been openly critical of the interference with
their Uranium for Oil transactions with Saddam Hussein, so nearly 1/2 of
the French population is anti Bush, while 1/2 is anti-Kerry. So,
the AFP Organization, which resides in the camp controlled by the
pro-Kerry, pro-Uranium for Oil transactions being undertaken before the
Iraqi War, always violate their own Press Ethics, by biasing their
stories with an attack on Bush, no matter what. The AP, CBS, CNN
and NBC appear to do so, as well. So, we took out one of our back
burner stories, about the odd timing of John Kerry's Press Contacts
which seemed to Mirror Osamma Bin Laden and Dr. M. Al Zawahari's Tapes
and various terrorism activities, and placed it onto Yahoo and other
internet wire groups. We are studying the likelihood that one of the
Advisory Groups who is directing elements of the Kerry Campaign has
actual connection or a pipeline to Bin Laden, Zawahari, Al Zarqawi in
Iraq and various violent elements of the Terror Groups, which appears
very likely:
ACSA"s Public Integrity in Campaign 2004 Initiative - Kerry Campaign Described as "Desperation During a Nosedive" - Kerry + Terrorism, Coordinated
STORY 2 - Kerry discovered to be one of the backers of the
infamous Genocide against Native Americans in Arizona, and support for
John McCain and Massachusetts Peabody Western Coal Company, involving
Rockefeller, Kennedy, Clinton and others... Kerry falsely accuses
President Bush of "bashing McCain" in the 2000 Elections. We at ACSA
bashed McCain and we were TOTALLY JUSTIFED for doing so.
Allegedly, after we released this article, demanding release of Kerry's
and Bill Clinton's medical records: Bill Clinton developed severe
chest pains and had to be admitted to a hospital in NY State (the
infamous Westchester County Medical Center - a hotbed of NY State Mafia
Activity, painted by the 'Mafia Friends of Jay and David Rockefelller'
Club's private painting contractor "Warren something or other"), oddly.
In the article, ACSA indicated Clinton had refused to release elements
of his Medical History. Strangely, Clinton has an extremely advanced
case of heart disease, requiring quadruple bypass and demonstrating
lesions that take decades to develop, "just discovered today" by the WMC
Doctor on Duty. Further, his refusal to release his medical
records when in office, has not appeared in Yahoo, just the false
statement that no medical history of heart disease was found during his
presidency, a complete falsehood. If you monitor the Press,
you learn their agenda by what they misrepresent. Yahoo is,
reportedly, a Morgan venture related to the Rockefellers in ownership.
We have observed censorship of this story within 3 days of it's release,
at Yahoo, then it's removal, then misrepresentation of Clinton's story
about his health: he had a Heart Attack this morning. We have
emerging information in our possession about John Kerry's ill health but
are not releasing that yet, to give him time to consider his position.
To the Democratic Party we say: HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY FOR THOSE
IN OFFICE. We ask them to come clean, and clean house, on the
Peabody Energy issue regarding Genocide against the Navaho.
Meanwhile, we continue to monitor the Press.
OF COURSE, we wish Bill Clinton a
speedy recovery, and recommend he obtain the assistance of a Holistic
Medicine Practitioner, such as
http://www.garynull.com: in changing his lifestyle, the average life
span of someone with a 4 or more bypass is only SIX YEARS. The
former President should completely revamp his diet. We fondly
remember the late, great Phil Hartman's parodies of Bill, in which he
chomps down on Big Macs, Fries and Choc Shakes while describing the
methods why poverty occurs in Afghanistan or Iraq, yelling "Warlords!"
at the top of his lungs. Hartman died when his wife committed
murder/suicide after she learned Phil intended to leave her, while she
was extremely high on Cocaine, another reason for poverty in the Middle
East and America that President Clinton also didn't mention, and another
aspect of his alleged health condition unrevealed at this time, but one
we confirmed with several former US Secret Service agents who had to go
on "drug runs" to safely secure entertainment commodities for use
periodically at parties held inside the White House. We will miss Phil
Hartman, and our concerns for Bill Clinton go out to him, his wife, and
his daughter Chelsea. Do not mistake our political releases for
malice, we do want him to recover speedily.
STORY 3 - Local Businessman
L. Kislak spoke out on Terrorism, angrily towards Jim McGreevey's
failure to be prosecuted for putting his lover on the Government payroll
as head of NJ DHS, and in his similar failure to understand the threat
of terror, to John Kerry. His office space is in our building.
We are watching the results of his expression of his First Amendment
Condemns Tobacco Growers and Tobacco Companies for it's use of Radiation
bearing FERTILIZER. In 1998, we began publicizing the presence of
sufficient traces of Polonium 210 in Tobacco, to explain same as being
the primary source of Cancer in use of Tobacco, responsible for nearly
150,000 of the deaths from it. We have studied further, and
concluded that the use of Calcium Phosphate that bears the Polonium is
DELIBERATE. The consequences lead to a long, slow development of a
wide variety of radiation related mutation in the DNA and bio-physiology
of smokers in later years. This has the consequences of masking
other sources of illness, and killing the patient slowly, while he or
she remains fully addicted to Nicotine in the Tobacco, and spends a
lifetimes savings on Medical Treatment and Pharmaceuticals. We
believe the knowing use of Polonium 210 based fertilizer is a DELIBERATE
effort to drive later years smokers into medical treatment for cancer
(and other diseases) for the purposes of generating revenue in the
Health Care field. The effort to addict young persons to tobacco
by portraying it in Movies and Film is an abject effort to attain long
term addiction by savvy members of the Medical Community who know that
by creating long term diseases requiring advanced care, enormous
revenues result. Hand in hand with the Tobacco Industry and the
Fertilizer Industry, these Health Care Giants in Pharmaceuticals who
manufacture Chemotherapy Drugs and X-Ray treatment equipment languish in
the life threatening shadow of Cancer from Smoking, becoming wealthy by
covertly allowing Tobacco to prosper.
Similarly, Senators are pretending
to confront the Tobacco Industry, but appear more interested in Tobacco
picking up the Health Care costs to the Federal Government, than putting
an end to this vicious cycle. We note that, other than a
frenetically unhappy call from the misguided Senator Reed from
Wisconsin, no publicity has erupted, even when theTruth.com played it's
"Radiation People" Crazyworld TV Ads. A big "clunk" due to the
influence of organizations like Sloan Kettering and Rockefeller
University who make Billions on Cancer and apparently are being Big
Brother to the problem, blocking public outcry.