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Blog™:                                                                                                                                                                                posted 12/1/2005
December 1, 2005: a Book about the betrayal of America by the Rockefeller Family.
in memory of Ida Tarbel: who first identified John D. Rockefeller as the real Nosferatu...


(About Rockefeller:) "And he calls his great organization a benefaction, and points to his church-going and charities as proof of his righteousness. This is supreme wrong-doing cloaked by religion. There is but one name for it  -- hypocrisy." 
IDA TARBELL  (1857-1944)

  In her muckraking expose about David Rockefeller's grandfather, Ida Tarbell characterized what is actually a reasonable description of the modern Standard Oil: the five dualistic oil companies controlled by the Rockefellers, and the hundreds of other companies they also control, numbering the top 75% of America's Fortune 100: "Rockefeller and his associates did not build the Standard Oil Co. in the board rooms of Wall Street banks. They fought their way to control by rebate and drawback, bribe and blackmail, espionage and price cutting, by ruthless ... efficiency of organization. "  


Microsoft said to be readying new Internet Explorer 7.0 with more advanced features such as self flushing history and temporary folders plus:

  • Dynamic security protection through a simplified architecture that defends against malware, and new dynamic ways to protect against personal data theft from fraudulent Web sites (a practice known as “phishing”).

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  • Platform enhancements for developers to improve compatibility and manageability, including improved support for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as well as transparent PNG support.
                                                            more ...>


   In reality, the so-called "insurgency" in Iraq, a combination of foreign recruits trained by terror organizers in Pakistan, and Al Zarqawi's Al Qaeda branch in Iraq, is actually working for the "status quo" of the Oil Industry owned by the Rockefellers as the controlling shareholders. The status quo believes in establishment of a royal or opposing autocracy in a nation, and through a system of state sanctioned bribes, controlling the sale of the Oil to the Rockefeller controlled Auctioneers through the Rockefeller controlled Opec, whereupon it is distributed through shill auctions to the top oil companies, all of them Standard Oil descendents controlled by the Rockefellers.  This status quo maintains the fundamental power base of the Rockefeller Family and this oil distribution and exportation companies, ranging from Exxon to Schlumberger.  The Pakistani ISI, which works for the "status quo" in exchange for perks for Pakistan's leadership and wealthy families, manages the recruitment and training of Terrorists, formerly putting them through the final stages of terror training in what was Saddam Hussein's administration which maintained a huge terror training facility on the Iraqi, Iranian border, now closed. 

   Today, the work of recruitment is somewhat abbreviated by the need to move as many foreign fighters as they can muster into Iraq to attack civilian targets, so as to try and weaken the Iraqi's control over their own oil, which since President Bush installed the Iraqis in charge of their own oil, Democratically, runs diametrically opposed to the so-called "status quo" of oligarchy rule.  The Terrorists often cloak behind false Islamic religious protests, comments about the west "stealing Islamic oil".  What that really means is depriving the "status quo" control over it, which stems from the owners of Opec and the Auctioneers and the Distribution who also do the exploration, set up the wells and then install a royal fiefdom to watch it for them for state sanctioned bribes: the Rockefellers.  By installing the Iraqi's in charge of Iraqi Oil, Bush has forced this oligarchy to PAY the Iraqi's for it.  In Rockefeller terminology, that's a "cardinal sin".  This autocratic machinery is used by the Oil Industry to maintain the "status quo". To them, what President Bush has done, setting up a Democracy, and imposing martial law, while allowing the Iraqis and their partners, the independent South Koreans to control and prosper from their own oil, is unforgivable, hence the vicious press and public political attacks by the Rockefeller allied Democrats and Press against Bush in the USA and elsewhere.  This is a case wherein the interests of America do not run concurrently with the interests of its wealthiest family, and as a result, something of a secret war against America is being waged by the oil industry and its wealthy owners, so as to try and cheat the Iraqi's out of their $55 a barrel for Iraqi Crude Oil. That demonstrates just how vicious the oil industry and its owners are.  The Rockefeller Family Trust, spoken of as "foreign investors" by middle eastern oil sheikhs, receive 40% of the payment for every barrel of oil sold outside of Iraq in the middle east.  20% goes directly to the nation within which the oil resides, which in fact means it is pocketed by the Royal Family of that nation and spread around the 50 - 2500 members of said family.  The remaining 40% is used for a combination of the oil drilling, pumping and delivery, security, and military overheads. A paltry 2% is spent on improvements for the nation's people.  In Iraq, however, 100% of the wealth goes to Iraq, 50% is used by the Iraqi government to rebuild the nation, 25% is paid in salaries and overheads like drilling, pumping and delivery, and 25% goes into a trust for the benefit of the Iraqi people directly: providing social welfare, health care, education, and so forth.  By eliminating the Royal Family and Rockefeller interests, Iraq is able to directly afford the cost of replacing the destructed Saddam economy and education system, largely a system of threats and propaganda, with a Democratic System of Economy, Education and Government. Gradually the overhead of recovery will diminish and Iraq will become one of the Wealthiest Democracies in the world.  But it takes time, and in the interim, the "never say die" Rockefellers and their Oil Companies succumb to the (to quote Lawrence Raymond, head of ExxonMobil) "complexities of the oil industry" and continue to finance a losing insurgency, and terrorist activities globally, in the name of trying to displace Basra Oil and the Southern Iraqi Petroleum Company "somehow", thereby taking the oil away from the Iraqis.  But first, they have had to try and use the Democratic Party (and Rockefeller Press Manipulators) in the US and abroad, to try and displace President George W. Bush.

  I, personally, do not believe that the majority of Americans are being fooled by the Rockefellers, who frequently accuse their targets of the very crime they are committing.  So, they accuse Bush of going to war in Iraq for oil.  In fact, he went to war in Iraq to stop Saddam in his tracks and to install a trustworthy Democracy in Iraq, so that America did not face further terror instigated by a nuclear power in the form of Saddam Hussein.  Meanwhile, in America, some people are so unbelievably stupid, that they completely ignore the fact that Bush could have legally justified the Americanization of Iraq's oil as a "price for ongoing aggression", but did not.  While it is tragic that lives have to be lost because David Rockefeller and his hers, and the two faced in the oil industry, can't keep their hands off of Iraq and will do about anything to steal the country's oil out from under it, if they can force America to withdraw and leave Iraqi undefended.

  When you read the Washington Post recently dishonestly manipulating the public about "Bush's Defeat is a Victory", you see the principle problem facing America: the Press are bought and paid for. There is no "defeat", just a 'bought and paid for Rockefeller Press Corp' attacking a president at every turn, and We the People not putting a legal gun to the head of every Journalist saying: "stop this or face the music". People don't even suspect that Washington Post Editor Robert Woodward was the source of the leak of Valerie Plame's identity to Judith Miller and Robert Novack, and that he obtained her name as a result of socializing with Ambassador Wilson and his wife.  The Press have been lying and deceiving the public for decades, money in their pockets from David Rockefeller and his organization to confuse America and mislead it into believing this is the popular opinion.  It's EXTREMELY SIMILAR to the tactics used by Al Qaeda to propagandize and recruit Terrorists.  And it's goal is the same, to weaken Bush's grip on Iraq' oil, which he is allowing the Iraqi's to sell for Iraq's benefit, NOT EXXON's.  They twist the entire image around and make Bush the villain (for protecting America and an entire other people), Saddam Hussein the victim (who killed millions), and then the backing organization fuels coordinated Insurgency in Iraq to attack American Bases. Yet, the insurgency is weakening and Iraq's own military is strengthening at a rate that should allow America to routinely scale down ground personnel from Iraq starting at the end of 2006, naturally and in the course of the growth of the Iraqi's own security forces.

   Nonetheless, yes, the Rockefeller Family is covertly financing Al Qaeda and the Pakistani's ISI's involvement in it, just as they have been financing HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH, and THE FATAH TERROR BRANCH of the PLO, for years.  Why? Because it fuels political intrigues in the Middle East and provides a convenient method to vilify the Jews of Israel when they respond in defense of their nation and people.  The Rockefellers are far from done in the occult-worshipping drive to destroy the Hebrews, which started at the turn of the Century in the US and migrated with them to Nazi Germany.  To them, to destroy Judaism is to defeat God, believe it or not, that is one of the private conquest objectives of the Family.  They play at religion, but they privately explore the occult and aspire to ruling Heaven and Earth, in what has to be the most enduringly bizarre philosophies in human history.  Yes, the Rockefeller Family is influencing others to transport murderers to Iraq to bomb and kill, to fuel the John Stewarts, the defeatists, and the Press onslaught that targets this country's Principles by undermining them.  The Iraqi People deserve our support, and unless we want Islam to become dominated by Al Qaeda and Islamism, Islamic nations like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan NEED Democracy and self rule.  These nations have not been traditionally democratic unlike other nations like Jordan, Egypt and India (the world's largest Moslem population lives in India, by the way).  When Bush quoted a name of someone in Iraq "Mohammed Abdul Jabbar", he quipped: "Wait a minute! Abdul Jabbar? He's got to be making these names up" and up flashes a picture of the LA Lakers Basketballer, Kareem Abdul Jabbar.  Not humor, ignorance.

   The Rockefeller Press is mindlessly engaging in a Democratic Party looking insurgency here in America, and making jokes about Al Qaeda in Iraq, while simultaneously claiming there is no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, and making jokes about Weapons of Mass Destruction, which were being sold by their owners, the Rockefellers, to Saddam in the late 90's and early 2000's, they have not yet resorted to jokes about 9/11, but they have attacked President Bush for rightfully referring to it.

    If you watch the Islamist Terror Training and Recruitment Tapes on the Internet, you'll be surprised at how they are rejoicing over the very same things: Al Qaeda in Iraq, the intention to use Weapons of Mass Destruction on America, and the Lynching of President Bush, or "Bosh" as they call him.

    The very same script writing technique shows up on David Letterman and John Stewart's Daily Show, in the Washington Post, and even in the NY Times, as one finds in releases in Terrorist Training and Recruitment on Al Jazeera, and in the decapitation tapes of various Aid workers (peace advocates, mind you) and other victims.  The issue is not the lives hurt by the Rock Press, but the manner in which they resort to extreme agitation cloaked in the deception that they coerce public opinion with, they point to the Numbers, they claim "every American wants this", they lie, cheat, and smear, and worst, they conspire with Democratic Party and Pakistani ISI, fueled in their campaigns by drug dealing, munitions dealing, oil dealing, coal dealing carpetbagging OIL INDUSTRY EXECUTIVES earning their glory with the Rockefellers, by doing their horrific bidding.  This is EXACTLY how they turned Germany into NAZI Germany - under a cloak of vilifying the "evil Kaiser" and the "dirty Jews" and the "right wing Religious" and the "Inferior Scientists". Next, we'll see symbolic book burnings in the name of Peace, flag burnings, and even people burnings in effigy.  All classic tactics of the rise of the Brown Shirts in Germany, Nazi'ism was a "National Socialist Revolution" of "Peace and the Principals of our Fatherland" accompanied by Press Manipulation and Conquest as it's true covert directive: the rise of an Organized Insurgency to Loot Europe, Russia and then America.  This was the result of the Rockfellers' deliberate and direct interference with Germany. Today, they've only gotten better at it and Americans stand by almost as fools not to notice this. Do you think the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center is about Christmas?  It's about hiding the true agenda of their Betrayal of America behind religion.  Journalist Ida Tarbell, who exposed the Rockefellers almost a hundred years ago, was right on: 100 years before her time.

    Until you put it all into its proper perspective, that it is ALL being organized by the Rockefeller's internal operations and logistics and transmitted out to these "agents" of the oil industry ownership, you don't realize why its all so similar.  The same thing applies to Adolph Hitler, and his strategies of making "the Jews" to blame for Germany losing WWII, and to conquesting Europe "to rid the world of Jews".  IT'S ALL COMING FROM DAVID ROCKEFELLER'S CAMP, JUST AS IT CAME FROM HIS FATHER AND GRANDFATHER BEFORE HIM. These people own the oil, power, aerospace, telecom, datacom, computing, education, communications, broadcast and other industries, they have trillions of dollars sacked away, and they can do anything they please, if they do it this way.  And they are doing it this way and believe you to be too stupid in America to realize it.

Wake Up America!

This chapter will continue to evolve as it is written...  

Written by Edward G.v. Englebart
I am documenting this story in memory of my late mother, Anna.  She fought against Nazi-ism and helped the Allies prevail over the great evil that overtook our homeland which became formal the day Adolph Hitler became Dictator, March 23, 1933. She taught me never to sleep on evil, and to never trust the family from the Rhineland who, from their American home, financed Adolph Hitler's rise.  "Investigate them, Edward, reveal them for who they are!" she once begged me after I became a Universitat professor, having left a job with Democratic West German Intelligence after the fall of the Cold War Berlin Wall.

"Write a book for all the people they murdered!" My late mother, Anna, was an intelligence double agent working for the Allies inside the Nazi German Government, an operative working for a British agent code-named TRICYCLE, as a German National inside the offices of the Reichsfuhrer. Anna was able to provide stunning insight into the encoding methods of the German Intelligence and Military General Staff, and helped England break many codes and learn of many military moves before they happened.  She also misdirected intelligence gathering done by the Gestapo.  She was never suspected and was rescued by MI5 (British Intelligence), working for Bletchley Park and MI5 for many years after the war.  A math genius, Momma, as I called her, was involved in early experimental work in computer software, and also consulted with the Americans on the mathematical logic of Radar triangulation of long range anti missile batteries to hit their target.  She never trusted certain Americans who, in her Double Agency, she came to know as German-American backers of the Nazi Party and Adolph Hitler's rise to power. To my mother, I dedicate the information about them that almost no one knows, the deadly secrets they have kept for a century and a half. I will be writing a book.  But right now, this information needs exposure.

A significant percentage of the United States Congress are on the Rockefellers' Payroll or allied with them/under their vast political influence.  After reviewing this story with some in the intelligence community, I learned that many people in the Government, upon learning that the most top secret element of the American Intelligence Community have chosen to summarize what happened that lead to the Iraqi Invasion, are trying to find ways to counteract the story so as to, in essence, use 2020 hind sight to 'decide' about the value of intelligence and the reasons for going to War, so as to try and black out this story at the same time as the Rockefellers organize yet another round of political attack on President Bush trying desperately to dislodge his control over his plan to develop Iraq's Oil for the benefit of Iraqi's, and steal it for the Rockfellers' private reserves. It is noted that every single Senator and Congressman who ultimately voted for the Iraqi War, had each independently for several years or more longer than President Bush, been publicly reporting that Iraq was engaging in moves to stockpile WMDs, and that the time to take steps to prevent that from happening was BEFORE Hussein obtained Nuclear Weapons since it would be too late afterwards, as once in his possession they'd be used against America.  For them to say otherwise now at the political prompting of an Oil industry angry that Bush is actually making them PAY FOR THE OIL from Iraq's Basra Oil and South Iraqi Petroleum Company, and that includes Leahy, Kennedy, Rockfeller, Pelosi, Clinton, Reed, Reid and Byrd, is a nonsensical political farce, sheer partisanship and an egregious two-facedness that keeps a favor bank pocket book open behind each of these' politician's right rear pocket, open to engaging in a devious deception to discredit the Administration, since they can get all the campaign loot to run for the Presidency with the backing of David Rockefeller's organization. Not that a majority of Americans are fooled by this behavior.  Don't believe Political Polls taken by Press companies with a conflict of interest. Were it not for the Rockefellers' Oil Industry businesses stooping to a new low to see to it that there is one, there'd be nearly NO INSURGENCY in Iraq, since its primary purpose is to embarrass Bush, were Exxon in charge of the oil in Iraq, stealing it from behind the backs of the Iraqi People, the insurgency would be virtually nonexistent.
                                     >> DR. EDWARD G.v. ENGLEBART, PhD, JD. NOVEMBER 1 - 11, 2005.

NOTICE: The information in the above opinion blog, which was written by Dr. E. G. v. Englebart, does not necessarily contain information that is shared by nor agreed with by the American Computer Science Association Inc. (ACSA) , its staff or management. The article is a preliminary publication of a chapter in a book placed solely by Dr. Englebart, without compensating ACSA, which represents the opinion of Dr. Englebart, and contains information he is the sole author of.  As a reported expert in Intelligence and World Affairs, Dr. Englebart has stated that he has used every resource at his disposal to verify the information contained within his opinion article. According to his staff, he has checked and rechecked the factual content, backing the substance of it with citations and references to journals and online resources that tend to qualify his statements.  Nonetheless, Dr. Englebart is, as are all who post to this blog, a volunteer. His written materials published here on this log, solely represent views that may be his own. Readers should decide for themselves as to his opinions.  ACSA does not render opinions on public subjects, nor post them to blogs. However we are legally allowed to pay for and reprint news, and opinions, and to operate a blog with third party content at our discretion and with impunity and indemnification.  If you wish to post a comment or log requesting clarification or correction of any opinion that is published to this blog, do so by sending a letter to us by email at: info@acsa2000.net or use the Submit Comment link that follows.
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Copyright © 2005  Ugli Blogz. All rights reserved.                      OTHER TOWN SQUARE POSTS:

   Coming in November:     THE BIGGEST LIE OF THEM ALL EXPOSED!
The Secret Oil War against the American People.

Is Al-Qaeda funded indirectly by Amoco+Conoco ?  (You decide!)

Is MoveOn.Pac a front for ExxOn-ChevrOn.Pac?  (You decide!)
Backed by Rockefeller front man, George Soros, who also backs people control organizations like Planned Parenthood, and open use of narcotics to "opiate the masses", MoveOn works towards helping Exxon and Chevron seize and control oil distribution, in subtly targeted political attacks hidden behind liberal causes.

Learn Why: Big Oil is bashing Bush into giving in to their will, trying to force Bush to turn over Iraq's oil to them, rather than the Iraqis as he has... trying to get him to pull out the troops so they can takeover Iraq's oil fields and pipe oil to India!! Oil prices are being elevated by the Rockefellers like it's going out of style!!

Learn how oil money is laundered into Democratic Party bash movements. Find out who Senator Jay Rockefeller really is...

Learn how Big Oil convinced Russian PM Vlad Putin to imprison the heads of his three oil companies, and sell Conoco, Chevron and Exxon control over the majority of Russia's Oil Reserves!

Learn Why Big Oil is inflating the price of Gas. Find out how they finance foreign terror. Learn about Plausible Deniability.

What's off the coasts of Cuba?  The Bermuda Triangle? Vast seabeds of Natural Gas and Oil, that's what! The Atlantic Sea-bed has more fossil fuel than the entire rest of the world combined!

Learn how Big Oil is funding Bin Laden, Al Zarqawi and Musharraf... attacks on our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Find out why the Rockefeller Family sold the World Trade Center cheap 9 months before 9/11 to a Jewish Real Estate Man from NYC... and later paid off a University Professor named "Churchill" to call the victims "little Eichmanns"! A cheap attack on Jews.

Learn who funded the rise of Adolph Hitler and started World War II, AGAINST AMERICA: would you believe Standard Oil, Chase Bank, the Rockefellers and IBM??  WAR Sells Oil !!

Would you ever want to have anything to do with IBM, American Express, AT&T, GE, Chase or Citibank if you realized they are controlled by a familiy of wealthy American Nazis and Mob?


Families descended from Slavers and Horse thieves, this vast private Big Oil holding company is strangling our world.
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 Birth of the Cold War Technology Boom
S A G E  Blue Room  

- the first computer "data center". Based on the MIT & Air Force Research collaboration on the MIT Whirlwind I, it's core CPU incorporated enhancements jointly developed between IBM and MIT/Lincoln Labs. The SAGE FSQ-7 Computer, circa 1955, was the first modern era computer with a large scale operating system.  Its central computer is a binary, parallel machine with an 8192-word magnetic core memory and a speed of roughly 75,000 single-address instructions per second. Numbers representing positional data are stored and processed as vectors with two 16-bit components in order to facilitate processing. The SAGE BLUE ROOM and it's Air Defense System was the prototype from which NORAD's National Air Defense System was developed. SAGE's Radar facility was derived from the Cape Cod Radar Tower in South Trujo, Ma.  As fascinating as all this was, it is interesting to note that had there not been a Cold War, then there would not have been a SAGE. And had there not been a SAGE, IBM would not have developed the 360/370 series of computers, nor fostered Microsoft and the Personal Computer nor Apple, Apollo or Sun, with AT&T.  Instead, where would we have been today?  One might ask was this all just staged so that we'd have Government sanctioned R&D that led to the development of modern, money making, computation, telephony, Cable Television, Satellites and the Commercial Internet?  Oddly, the American Computer Science Association has polled its members and a resounding 97% agree that the Cold War was staged as many conflicts have been, by business interests wanting to spike R&D that offshot technology they could then convert for their own commercial profit/gain, and that that has been the driving force at companies like IBM and AT&T and the RBOCs and their offspring since the days of the Great Depression.


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