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DNS Security, BIND Security, BGP4, Honeypots, WarDrive, Forensics, Security and Layered Protocols - resources you may need.

From Chairman Dr. Jack A. Shulman: "One of the best hackers I ever met, believes that the most common weakness on the web is the overdependence upon BIND and it's somewhat gappy design, that could allow system security breaches due to a somewhat thin security system.  I disagree.  The most common weakness on the web is the tendency by anyone has who has experience to believe they have all the answers.  No one does! There's a lot about TCP/IP that is good, even if it has sacrificed layers in the OSI model.  There's a lot about it's current usage that is badly thought out.  It's what we have to work with.  So learn it well and use it well. Here's a few of the tools I use when planning out and implementing a good, secure public network and good, secure private nets. But don't be surprised if along comes some hacker with a new way to breach the premises.  Be on the lookout for that one guy who noticed what you didn't.  No solution is perfect.  But, diligence and flexibility pays off!"

Securing the Domain Name System with DNSSEC DNS, BIND, DHCP, LDAP Resource Directory Border Gateway Protocol and Advanced Routing Intrusion Detection, Honeypots & Incident Response Wireless LAN (802.11) Security and Wardriving Computer Forensics and Cybercrime Resources The Computer Security Bookstore The Networking & Sysadmin



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